Nothing gives me more joy than seeing this sign on the now-"famous" Tetteh-Quarshie interchange in the capital on a holiday, because I know I am some hours away from leaving the capital behind to go somewhere like Ghana's Central Region--as we did last Friday.

We passed this sign, which I captured just to remind you about the illogicality of establishing a
shopping mall, with cinema, restaurants, whatnot, in the corner of a heavy-traffic area! But there you have it: the South African and other foreign investors are keen to show Ghana as the "gateway" to the ECOWAS region, and the government is keen to follow suit, so any logic goes out the
window. Most odd, when the President of the country's residence is only minutes drive from this picture!!!...well minutes, barring any traffic, which he rarely faces as he is motorcaded--
in the opposite direction of the traffic with some ten luxury cars to the safety of his home...(enough ranting, eh?:-))

This is the real reason why these pictures are here. After our brief visit to the central region of Ghana, and in particular, my maternal grandmother's home, we were stopped by police conducting random checks on the highway on a Sunday! It was a smooth affair, but what I found most enjoyable was the line of plam trees (they are actually coconut trees) lined on both right and left sides of the highway that leads to Accra.
Is that not relaxing to look at?
ghana central region ;
ghana police;
ghana tourism;