Ghana's move to digital migration TV!!

Ghana's move to digital migration TV!!

What is Accra Pictures by Day and Night?

Accra is the capital of the small, West African country of Ghana, which achieved its independence in 1957 from its colonial master, the United Kingdom. It celebrated 50 years in 2007, and is projecting itself fast and furiously as "gateway to West Africa".

It's an exciting city, with its unique problems, but with it close to the Atlantic ocean, and many beaches, who can resist coming here?

April 2006-April 2011:

5 years of bringing readers insights into life in Ghana! Thank you!

Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority, TEMA

Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority, TEMA


Ordering Food in Accra was Never this much Fun!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Personalised Number Plates in Ghana...More Money than Sense?

There is a perception about car-owners who personalise their number-plates.

Considering the hefty prices (1000 Ghana cedis or US$930) minimum, I often put it down to these types simply having more money than...sense!

Have a good weekend!


LoreliC said...

Hi Emmanuel! I meant to e-mail you let you know about the shout-out. You're absolutely right that "disagreement with what someone says may have more to do with how they have expressed themeselves, and not necessarily what they are saying."
My words in my entry were case in point. I didn't express myself well. I'll have to change them to something more like, "his opinions do not necessarily reflect mine." I simply haven't been able to read each and every one of your entries, so I can't endorse them.
Having said that, I really have enjoyed what I've read of your blog and I want to thank you for your perspective that has added to mine. You're doing a great service to this wonderful country and to those who want to know more about it.

LoreliC said...

^ Oops sorry that's me, Loreli, from using a very old blogspot account since this does not take anonymous comments. Hope I haven't confused you!

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

retroactivegirl--no probs at all! We live and learn...;-) Many thanks for your comments; I continue to learn every day, too! Cheers!!

Mike's Travels said...

Interesting blog. Keep up the good work.

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...



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