What does it take to have a truly West African weekend? A meal at
Tante Marie in Accra Mall, or a Sunday evening with
Blood Diamond? How about seeing a close relative off to the neighbouring West African country of Benin, by way of Accra.?
I might not have been sufficiently privileged to eat at Tante Marie, but I most definitely got my good share of West Africa.
It all started with Saturday morning, when up very early, my Mum and I accompanied my Dad off to Nigerian-based
ABC Transport, near Caprice. At the time of morning we woke up--circa 4.00am, traffic was bound to be quiet and slow.
Some twenty minutes later, we were there at ABC Transport premises, curious, yet pleasantly surprised about
how the Black Man can manage his own affairs. I felt especially proud when, after departure formalities (checking-in of passports at a till labelled "
Lome-Benin-Lagos", weighing of suitcases to ensure when they passed the standard 25kg, a small yet reasonable fine would be paid; and finally lining up in not-so-single file to the buses to board (all against a backdrop of DStV) ) I spotted a Westerner, who looked rather confused at this kind of organised chaos.
But if to the Westerner, it looks like chaos, to the average
ECOWAS-ian, it looks like a very decent attempt to travel West Africa at a reasonable rate. The trip from Ghana to Cotonou and back goes for around GHC100. For now, it is only four countries--Togo; Benin; Nigeria and Ghana--the ABC transport plies. I live to see the day when it can go westwards towards Cote d’Ivoire and maybe Senegal?...