This would hardly be news had it not been for the fact that this ostensibly-odd-registered number plate (by Ghanaian number plate standards, where there are TWO letters indicating the region (AS/GR/GT/GE/BA, etc...), followed by four digits, and a single letter) is the number plate--so I am told--that the security services and protocol use [SPD=Security? Protocol Department?] to dispatch high officials and pleni-potentiaries. That's ambassadors and international civil servants to you and me;-) The "GV" at the end of the plate is a give-away. In Ghana, any car whose registration number begins with "GV" is short for "Government Vehicle".

The serious-looking man is a protocol officer, holding the hand of a visibly-aged former Interim President of Liberia Her Excellency Ruth Sando-Perry who was in Accra for Africa's first-ever [three-day] "International Media Summit", which saw former CNN anchor Tumi Makagbo in Accra facilitating a session, as well as obtaining many photo-ops(see picture to the left).

I managed, with my discerning camera technique[;-)], to capture her on Tuesday evening as she walked away from a photo-op. For some reason, Ghanaians are not that enamored about a former CNN anchor being in town...

In sum, a series of pictures to apologise, of sorts, and explain the absence the past few days...
Have a good weekend!
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accra ;
ghana media ;
tumi makagbo ;
ghana protocol
ghana cars
ghana number plates
ghana world bank
SO much to absorb in this post - it's great. The people and protocol. I was wondering where this reporter had gone from CNN. I used to like to see her reports which were so different than what we see here in Paris. Thanks for the update.
Glad to see you back and your post was very enjoyable.
wow, great and interesting post, i always look forward to the next one, nice to see your 'cheesy grin' =)
That was a well told and captivating story.
denton--thanks. Hope you're doing great:-)
sally--many thanks, again:-)
Great narrative photos. They sure do make up for the absence, that and your 'cheesy' grin,hehe. Hope to see more!
sadia--many thanks!:-)
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