...but do please check the pollution coming from that monstrous truck upfront!!;-)
This picture was taken near East Legon, some ten minutes drive from the University of Ghana, Legon.
Have a good weekend!
accra;ghana;accra traffic;accra pollution;
E., You and I both have traffic photos up today! And they are side by side on the City Daily Photo Portal of recently updated blogs. That truck is sure smokey. . .Have a great weekend,
speaking of air pollution do you have leaded gasoline in ghana? i know in greece they only banned a few years back so was wondering.
Kim--many thanks. I like your photo blog; et je suis aussi ravi que vous parlez aussi le francais!;-)
magikthrill--that's a very discerning comment. In fact, much of the gasoline is, regrettably, unleaded. This means that a lot of the time, car users have to spend extra--by buying some liquid that removes the sediments--to get rid of those elements that make it leaded.
That, I am sure, also compounds the problem, resulting in horrible pollution scenes like these!;-)
Looks like a very busy street and yes that truck sure is poluting the air! I wouldn't want to be driving behind it.
I HATE it when I get behind a vehicle like that truck you show.
Emmanuel, quelle horrible fumee noire! I hate those big trucks that fume. I notice the Shell sign in the distance, what other petrol companies do you have?
Salutations amicales de Sydney
faye pekas--it's a university road; that is to say, it leads to the main university, and so at this time, it's not surprising the scale of the traffic
Nathalie--many thanks for visiting my blog! On a des stations de petroles, comme Total Petroleum Ghana; Mobil; Shell (evidemment); Goil (Ghana Oil)
Je reciproque les salutations amicales;-)
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