I can tell you, there was no shock--just maybe a wee bit of awe from some Ghanaians;-)
5 years of bringing readers insights into life in Ghana! Thank you!
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George W. Bush doesn't get much respect here in the United States so he probably was made to feel more welcome in your country than he is here at home.
If I remember correctly, it seems that Clinton go more of a warmer welcome than Bush?
What's he pounding in the wooden bowl -- fufu? Y'all are making him work outside of his comfort zone. First he dances and now he's preparing food. LOL!
Paz ;-)
oldmanlincoln--long time no visit! I have been notoriously bad in visiting DP-ers:-( Will pick up next week...it's true, he was made to feel wwelcome here--but that's second nature to Ghanaians. Supposedly!
Paz--we're strange that way!;-))
We're like that as well. So many famous folks come to our shores and nobody even bats an eyelid. :)
I hear that Prince Charles and his wife are visiting us soon.
lol :)
ann--royals = eye candy?
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