Sure, I have passed this place to and from work many a time over last year, and I've only noted it as a really swank-looking place. Never really paid that much attention to it -- till now.
Today, as an earlier entry on my Trials/tribulations of a Freshly-arrived denizen testifies to, had it not been for the CSO Aid Effectiveness Forum, I would not have known that the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons is a reasonable place to hold a conference attracting some 3000 participants, as well as having accommodation and nice rooms for a number of activities to be held.
I am rather impressed, and hope that given it is still looking neat--and well-maintained-- after almost a year (note the plaque that says November 2007), it will continue to enjoy its culture of maintenance. The auditorium is big enough and I guess could easily accommodate some 2000 people.
Have a good start of the week!