Despite Ghana's National Road Safety Commission, Ghanaian drivers--many of who are illiterate as far as road signs are concerned--continue to cause serious accidents!
I think it's time the NRSC did some serious outreach!
5 years of bringing readers insights into life in Ghana! Thank you!
For comments or suggestions about the blog , please send me an eml: ekbensah AT ekbensah.net Thank you!
Hey Ghana Daily Photo.
We're just touring the world (virtually today). We started a daily photo site in January and are hoping to connect more with the rest of the daily photo blogosphere!
We're just a click away if you have time.
Greensboro Daily Photo
hahaha, if i look at this picture'
. there is no different with my country.
Oh, my! I hope everyone keeps safe.
Greensboro Daily--will make the time. Thanks!
Dewa--which country is that, then?
Paz--thanks! Been a while!
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