As you might see from the picture, against the clear, blue sky, the footbridge makes for a beautiful scene in a city that is very busy and very populous. There has been a never-ending battle by authorities of the city to ensure that the bridge is as salubrious as possible. Often-times, those causing infractions against the order for cleanliness win out--despite the conspicuous presence of the police, which you can see in the picture here.
Suffice-to-say, it is a picture of colour--just like West Africa ought to be!:-))
Didn't know of this footbridge. Must be too hot out there for the Police presence to be effective.
It would also make a great photo taken from the footbridge! Looks like a beautiful day in Accra!
Looks a nice bridge and it should be kept clean and neat.
Nice colourful photo.
GHOS--I am with you on the heat, Mike!
Leif--I will consider that for next time...cheers!
Glennis--thank you! Police have some work to do!
Some areas of Arkansas especially the heavily populated areas are not walkable. But in Little Rock, we have the big damn bridge. You might want to google it. It seems to be somewhat similar to the Footbridge. Ever considered visiting Arkansas? I plan to visit Africa one day in my life.
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