Last Friday night, minutes before the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana game in the ongoing African Cup of Nations (CAN 2010) in Angola, the Ghanaian sky darkened, opened, and poured. It. Was. Terrific in every sense of the term: those of us who had the temerity to walk through the rain with a bag that included their laptop saw it very fit to find shelter ASAP to prevent rain from getting into the laptop system.
You could forget about the clothes; it was like we were in a giant shower perched in the sky. And, it just would. Not. Stop!
Thankfully, by 10pm, it was over. And so was the football game: Ghana lost 3-1 to Ivory Coast.
I guess the showers of blessings were for them?
I know its causing flooding in some places but its so good to see rain in parts of Africa that have been drought stricken.
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