Although Ghana has embraced the free market model off-and-on like the occasional provision of our electricity(!), under the incumbent administration of the National Democratic Congress (that has tagged themselves social democrats), you are bound to see a fair bit of a mix of the free-market and the State protection.
Truth be told, I am talking about markets of a gastronomical kind! This picture is revealing in so many ways.
Primo, we see that
even paragons of discipline like the Fire Service personnel love to patronise the market for fish; secondo, the little girl selling here at a market at Akosombo (just off in the Eastern region, and 1.5 hours from Accra), might
just be too small to be transacting such business.
Where's the mother, I wonder? Although it was a Saturday, this is the reality of much of the more "rural" parts of Ghana, where children are seen at markets trying to complement the subsistence of what is most likely the mother and his/her siblings...