The picture speaks for itself. A group of guys hanging out at the BusyInternet eaterie. On Accra's Ring Road, or so-called "Silicon Valley"...
5 years of bringing readers insights into life in Ghana! Thank you!
For comments or suggestions about the blog , please send me an eml: ekbensah AT ekbensah.net Thank you!
Welcome to the Daily Photo family and greeting from Greenville, South Carolina (US). My wife and I spent three years in Belgium back in the 80s so we may have crossed paths. Even if we have not we will virtually cross paths now via photos in our blogs. Best wishes.
Welcome! It's so great to have someone from West Africa! I lived in Togo from 1996-98 as a Peace Corps Volunteer and was fortunate enough to spend a week in Accra visiting a friend. Looking forward to your photos!
Welcome to the daily photo group. I am really looking forward to finding out more about Ghana through looking at your photos.
hello emmanuel! welcome to the family! i've always wondered what Ghana was like. now we have an introduction to your city. thank you.
Kuala Lumpur Daily Photo
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