Dear DP-ers, mucho apologies for this fixation on the world cup, but you know, whilst I am no pundit, as I intoned yesterday, nor real ardent fan of football generally (lemme hear the women whoop "hooray!"), I am in over-the-moon mood, which means that praises left, right, and centre abound. However, just one admonition: to fight complacency, which can very easily set in. No dis-respect to my US visitors, but I am seriously confident the Black Stars shall, yet again, shine on Thursday 22 June, which incidentally would be apt as that would be the day after the summer solstice has commenced, according to this UK website on equinoxes and solstices"!:-)In what some might consider a tongue-in-cheek image, you could say that this picture reflects the head-to-head competition that will reach its apogee on 22 June at the FIFA 2006 World Cup. In actual fact, it is a cheeky picture I took: that of a privately-registered car(the black VW Golf) and a so-called tro-tro, or public passenger bus (white BENZ 207 van). Look closely, and you will see the driver of the Golf is wearing a tie, and trying to overtake the tro-tro at a T-junction (which is where I took the picture), maybe just going to show that on the road, even "gentlemen" are rogues.
Incidentally, in Ghana, privately-registered cars have white number plates, and commercial ones are yellow. More to come at a later date:-)
Wish you good luck in the game with Brazil.
seesaw, thanks!!
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