No surprises that there will still be vestiges of the accident in the minds of Ghanaians, for an accident of the magnitude of last week Wednesday that involved no less than the President of the nation, will prompt discussions for a while, and queries--like this one
here. The photo shows the front cover of the what could be described as the "morning after (the night before)" picture, by the
Daily Graphic...

That said, I thought I'd continue the car vignette by posting this one here of one I took earlier this morning on my way to work in a taxi. The driver of this car either inherited the car, or put all those stickers which were all generating a tag of "sanctimony" the more I looked. Sanctimony that can only be Ghana-style;-)
I mean where on earth in this world do you find a sticker of "I love my wife"! (
look closely at the top of the brake light, located in the middleWhat tosh!
I always get a kick out of people's bumper stickers!
And those "I (heart) ones are great.
I saw a t-shirt the other day that said
I (Heart) shirts"
Hello from Kyle, Texas!
Kyle--many thanks for ur visit. Honestly, this inanity over "I (heart) x" is too much!!;-)
Could only be his wife who put that sticker on his car, who else? :-).
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