This place depicts by no means the exclusive setting of a carwash, but it is quite representative of how carwashes look like in Accra: an open cement place, with plenty of place to spare, and busy men (usually men!) washing the cars with an alacrity unseen for work in the usually-hot sun!;-)
My car sure needs washing but I won't wash it till the weather is warmer.
Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day
Here in Montego Bay we have several impromptu car washes. They usually pop up anywhere there is a taxi/bus stand...and usually are on side roads and sometimes are even on main roads. Naturally the road surfaces get deteriorated and pot holed which then leads to the local residents and taxi operators coming out and protesting and blocking the roads in an attempt to have the government repair the roads that THEY damaged by washing their cars there! lol! :)
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