I had to go to work a little later than usual yesterday as I had duties to the nation to fulfil. The magnitude of the work at hand did not prevent me from taking the time to catch a photo of this pedestrian "meter", located at the Tetteh-Quarshie Interchange.
Before you ask, it does work;-) I do need an answer, though--what do you call what I called the pedestrian "meter"?
I don't know what you call the meter. My question is, does anyone pay any attention to it? Are there police directing traffic at that intersection?
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Here you go: http://www.trafficsignsandmeanings.co.uk/different-types-pedestrian-crossing.html
Frank--usually there is; regrettably not today:-(
it's from the UK and is for pedestrians to press the button when they want to cross the road to turn the traffic lights to red
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