As the month of June slowly draws to a close, I think it's a safe point to express profound gratitude for ADP blog as it certainly has not been regular, due to many work pressures that have kept me away from my desk, even at lunchtimes!
July will come with a greater degree of levity work-wise as I would have acccomplished a number of tasks very necessary for, well let's just say, my peace of mind!:-)
In the meantime, I leave you for the weekend with this picture of a mosquitoe-proof net--a sight which graces many, many Ghanaian homes. At this very rainy season, which is likely to end end-August, our night foes come with more acute bites;-)
I am sure you can imagine, I will be doing a lot of this during this quintessentially pluvial season!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
They are a necessity on doors and windows in Australia as well.
try this unusual repellant:
You should get some mosquito traps in addition to your netting. I hear Mosquito Magnets can control mosquitoes in a 1-acre area.
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