Ghana's police cars are blessed--their license plates are all preceded by "GP";-)
They're also sometimes blue vehicles. Other times, they're pick-ups--like this one.
As to whether they're serving and protecting, one likes to think they're doing great, thankyou!
That they have a website, which can be reached at http://www.ghanapolice.info/main.htm can only go to confirm that they're well-ensconced in the 21st century.
They're not yet on Facebook neither are they on twitter.
How about it, Ghana Police??
Their "Most Wanted" page has no pictures. Not even mine!!!
GHOS-LOL!!:-D I have seen urs somewhere...I think INTERPOL!;-))
the police are doing their best to protect everybody in the Country. thanks to the good once among them.
wow! ALLAH them
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